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A Comprehensive Guide to Career Assessment

7th Edition

The re-imagined 7th edition of our influential guide to career assessment was re-conceptualized and renamed to A Comprehensive Guide to Career Assessment. It contains important information career counselors, educators and practitioners will find invaluable in learning about career assessment and selecting assessments specific to client needs. The print book offers six foundational chapters and over twenty instrument reviews.
Author/Editor: Kevin B. Stoltz and Susan R. Barclay
Year: 2019

Price:   Qty:     

Career Coaching: Fundamentals, Applications, and Future Directions

Are you looking for a deep dive into the world of career coaching, from career fundamentals to models to ethics and assessment administration? Whether you are just starting as a career coach or looking to update your knowledge and skills as a seasoned professional, this new monograph will support and challenge you for work in the future.
Author/Editor: Heather N. Maietta
Year: 2022

Price:   Qty:     

The Career Counseling Casebook

A Resource for Students, Practitioners, and Counselor Educators, 2nd Edition

Forty-one new cases cutting across all developmental stages and representing a wide range of client backgrounds and career concerns are presented. This is an excellent resource for anyone concerned about becoming a more competent career practitioner.
Author/Editor: Spencer G Niles, Jane Goodman, Mark Pope
Year: 2013

Price: $40.00  Qty:      March 2025 Sale!

Career Development for Transitioning Veterans

The purpose of this book is to increase career practitioners’ awareness of the transition issues and resources specific to veterans and to provide several examples of how a practitioner might walk a veteran through the career planning process.
Author/Editor: Carmen Stein-McCormick, Debra S. Osborn, Seth C.W. Hayden, Dan Van Hoose with Military Consultants: Thomas McCormick, USN (Ret.), Major C. Camille LaDrew, USAF
Manufacturer: ISBN: 978-1-885333-37-7
Year: 2013

Price: $20.00  Qty:     

Career Education: History and Future

Dr. Hoyt will share his thoughts and dreams and those of his colleagues from the 1970s and '80s who laid the foundation and fought the fight to infuse career concepts into schools, businesses and communities.
Author/Editor: Kenneth B. Hoyt
Year: 2005

Price: $15.00  Qty:     

A Case Study Approach to Ethics in Career Development, 2nd Edition

Learn how to tackle some of the most vexing questions that career development professionals encounter today, while enhancing your skills for addressing future ethical dilemmas. With its case study design, this monograph provides hands-on experience with ethics terminology, resources, and issues. You are invited to actively apply ethics resources and decision-making strategies to analyze real-world ethical dilemmas. Each dilemma presented includes detailed, guided discussion of key issues and recommended actions.
Author/Editor: Julia Panke Makela, Jessamyn G. Perlus
Year: 2017

Price:   Qty:     

Choosing A Vocation

The book is a complete reprint of the original book by Frank Parsons who played such an important early role in developing the field of career guidance. The introduction and post script is written by Carl McDaniels, NVGA President 1973-1974 and a preface by Janet Lenz, NCDA President, 2004-2005.
Author/Editor: Frank Parsons
Year: 2005

Price: $15.00  Qty:     

Clinical Supervision of Career Development Practitioners: Practical Strategies

A guide for clinical supervisors who are working with practitioners (counselors and others) who are assisting clients with career issues. The seven chapters and five appendices cover a range of pertinent topics including models, strategies, techniques, common issues, alternate modes, evaluation and ethical and legal issues.
Author/Editor: Judith M. Hoppin and Jane Goodman
Year: 2014

Price: $20.00  Qty:     

Designing and Implementing Career Interventions

A Handbook for Effective Practice, 2nd Edition

The second edition of this monograph is for senior managers, managers, practitioners, administrative staff, collaborating partners and stakeholders interested in the cost-effective design and delivery of career interventions for adolescents and adults who need assistance in making occupational, educational, training, and employment decisions. An eight-step model for implementing career interventions is presented, along with evaluation and accountability strategies.
Author/Editor: James P. Sampson, Jr. Ph.D. and Janet G. Lenz, Ph.D.
Year: 2023

Price:   Qty:     

Experiential Activities for Teaching Career Counseling Classes and for Facilitating Career Groups

Volume III

This third volume of their best-seller has all new tried-and-true activities designed to present career development concepts in interesting and exciting ways. Developed for use in both classroom and career group settings, these hands-on activities are organized in nine sections: self knowledge and career decisions; career development theory; career assessments; occupational information; job search and workplace issues; designing and delivering career programs and services; diversity, equity, and inclusion in career development; technology and media in career counseling; and comprehensive and culminating activities.
Author/Editor: Dr. Tracy M. Lara, Dr. Mark Pope, Dr. Carole W. Minor
Year: 2011

Price:   Qty:     

Gaining Cultural Competence in Career Counseling, 2nd Edition

Gaining Cultural Competence in Career Counseling, 2nd edition, goes into depth on issues of diversity, equity, social justice and career counseling, as well as career theories, assessment, ethics and special populations. Each chapter includes new exercises and questions for reflection, and case scenarios supplement the content. This book synthesizes competencies while offering both theoretical and practical approaches to aid counselors-in-training and career professionals working with marginalized clients.
Author/Editor: Kathy M. Evans and Aubrey L. Sejuit
Year: 2021

Price:   Qty:     

Group Career Counseling: Practices and Principles, 2nd Edition

This monograph provides a comprehensive resource on Group Career Counseling (GCC). It is appropriate for use by counselors, career professionals and facilitators, and in some cases para-professionals. This second edition provides a fuller review of the literature and of the relationship of GCC to counseling and career development theories.
Author/Editor: K. Richard Pyle and Seth C.W. Hayden
Year: 2015

Price:   Qty:     

Learning Outcomes Assessment Step-by-Step:

Enhancing Evidence-Based Practice in Career Services

What difference do your career programs and services make in clients' lives? How do you know? Answer these questions and more. Learn a practical approach to learning outcomes assessment that helps you tell the story of your career programs and services, celebrate your successes, and continuously improve your practice.
Author/Editor: Julia Panke Makela and Gail S. Rooney
Year: 2012

Price: $15.00  Qty:     

My Life with a Theory

John L. Holland's Autobiography and Theory of Careers

In 1959, John L. Holland introduced a theory of vocational choices involving personality typology (widely known in the career development field as the Holland Code, or RIASEC). Included with this previously unpublished autobiography are book chapters, journal articles and other original source material that will enhance the reader's understanding of both the theory and the scientist.
Author/Editor: Jack R. Rayman & Gary D. Gottfredson
Year: 2020

Price:   Qty:     

A Strengths-Based Approach to Career Development Using Appreciative Inquiry, 2nd Edition

This updated monograph details the approach and includs activities and a participant guide to move the Strengths-Based Approach to career development into practice. It is for anyone interested in approaching career development from a strengths-based perspective.
Author/Editor: Donald A. Schutt , Jr
Year: 2018

Price:   Qty:     

Teaching Career Development

A Primer for Instructors and Presenters, 2nd edition

This second edition of this monograph not only provides strategies for delivering key components of career development in enthusiastic, innovative and more meaningful ways, it covers updated standards and new technologies. An entire chapter offers 50+ active learning strategies useful for beginning and intermediate instructors of undergraduate and graduate career development courses and presenters of career development workshops. The author has taught face-to-face and online university courses for over 15 years and has presented numerous national and international workshops on teaching career development
Author/Editor: Debra S. Osborn
Year: 2016

Price:   Qty: