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A Comprehensive Guide to Career Assessment
7th Edition
The re-imagined 7th edition of our influential guide to career assessment was re-conceptualized and renamed to A Comprehensive Guide to Career Assessment. It contains important information career counselors, educators and practitioners will find invaluable in learning about career assessment and selecting assessments specific to client needs. The print book offers six foundational chapters and over twenty instrument reviews.Author/Editor: Kevin B. Stoltz and Susan R. Barclay
Year: 2019Career Coaching: Fundamentals, Applications, and Future Directions
Are you looking for a deep dive into the world of career coaching, from career fundamentals to models to ethics and assessment administration? Whether you are just starting as a career coach or looking to update your knowledge and skills as a seasoned professional, this new monograph will support and challenge you for work in the future.Author/Editor: Heather N. Maietta
Year: 2022The Career Counseling Casebook
A Resource for Students, Practitioners, and Counselor Educators, 2nd Edition
Forty-one new cases cutting across all developmental stages and representing a wide range of client backgrounds and career concerns are presented. This is an excellent resource for anyone concerned about becoming a more competent career practitioner.Author/Editor: Spencer G Niles, Jane Goodman, Mark Pope
Year: 2013Career Development for Transitioning Veterans
The purpose of this book is to increase career practitioners’ awareness of the transition issues and resources specific to veterans and to provide several examples of how a practitioner might walk a veteran through the career planning process.Author/Editor: Carmen Stein-McCormick, Debra S. Osborn, Seth C.W. Hayden, Dan Van Hoose with Military Consultants: Thomas McCormick, USN (Ret.), Major C. Camille LaDrew, USAF
Manufacturer: ISBN: 978-1-885333-37-7Year: 2013