Sherry Williams
Credentials:CSCDA, CMCS, GCDF, M.Ed, LBSW, MBTI Steps 1 & 2, Microburst Employability Skills Instructor
ph: (803) 397-8747
Sherry has provided targeted direct services to students and adults for more than 35 years working in state government, the private sector, K-12 education and higher education. Jobs within her career have included abuse investigator for vulnerable adults, Director of Social Work for a state agency, community relations, career counselor, career specialist supervisor, and an instructor of the CCE GCDF curriculum and the NCDA FCD and SCDA curriculums. She is a subject matter expert of the Education and Economic Development Act of 2005 which propelled career development in the state of South Carolina, placing career specialists in all public middle and high schools. She currently serves as the Coordinator for Leadership Curriculum and Partnerships for a school district of 27,000 students and supervises the career specialists who ensure all students receive career awareness, exploration and guidance services and are career and college ready.