NCDA News Archives

Becoming a Career Professional: Around the Globe
By Amy Zdanowski and the GCC’s Shared Insights Group
This is the second installment in a series based on interviews conducted by the Shared Insights Group, a subcommittee of the NCDA’s Global Connections Committee (GCC). These articles share insights gained from interviews with randomly selected international members of the GCC.
Complete Article >2025 NCDA Global Career Development Conference: Atlanta, Georgia
By Mary Ann Powell, Conference Director
Quality presentations, featured activities and a packed learning agenda make for excellent professional and personal development at the 2025 NCDA Global Career Development Conference. The historic city, combined with a family reunion feeling, encourages registrations from around the world!
Complete Article >Creating My Career Path: Embracing Change in My Journey: the 59th Annual NCDA Poetry and Art Contest
By Kymmie Cartledge
NCDA encourages the use of artistic expression to reflect on a personal journey, career goals, and aspirations while embracing change. The annual Poetry and Art Contest is one tradition that engages all ages in the celebration of National Career Development Month.
Complete Article >NCDA’s Podcast: Career Practitioner Conversations
By Melissa Venable
NCDA’s podcast, Career Practitioner Conversations, offers an extensive library of audio recordings covering a variety of topics relevant to the work of career development professionals. This dynamic resource supports NCDA’s mission, is available on-demand, and members and non-members can access it for free.
Complete Article >Introducing NCDA’s New Director of Credentialing
The NCDA Credentialing Commission Director is tasked with implementing work both domestically and internationally so that individuals may obtain professional certifications in the field of career development. The new director, Charlie Raphael, will collaborate with the Commission, headquarters staff, and the Board of Directors to set priorities, manage processes, recommend a budget and conduct meetings.
Complete Article >The World of Work Around the Globe
By GCC’s Shared Insights Group
The National Career Development Association’s Global Connections Committee formed a “Shared Insights” group to write about the world of work around the globe. This group interviewed five GCC international members and summarized their findings related to work settings, showcasing more similarities than differences. Future articles in this series of interviews will follow in Career Convergence.
Complete Article >Congratulations to the Winners of the 58th Annual Poetry & Art Contest
Thanks to everyone for celebrating National Career Development Month! View the winning poems and art work here. Be inspired today!
Complete Article >Promoting Cross-Cultural Awareness Through a Multicultural Calendar
By Paolo Varquez and Ruben Britt
As career development professionals strive to be more inclusive and equitable in spaces within the National Career Development Association, the Diversity Initiatives and Cultural Inclusion (DICI) committee announces the development of a Multicultural Calendar. It will serve as a valuable resource to enhance cultural awareness, promote inclusivity, and celebrate the diversity of those career development professionals serve.
Complete Article >Just a Minute to Make a Difference: Fresh Updates from the Advocacy Front Lines
By Elle O’Flaherty
NCDA is uniquely positioned to weigh in on legislation and regulations that impact career practitioners, workers, and students. Focusing on its new 11 Policy Areas, the NCDA Government Relations Committee advocates for legislation that impacts a wide range of career development stakeholders. Your help is needed!
Complete Article >A Closer Look Inside NCDA’s DEI Symposium
By Natasha Barnes
In following the tradition begun in 2023, NCDA’s 2024 Global Career Development Conference will again offer a focus on social justice issues and diversity, equity, inclusion, belonging, and accessibility (DEIBA). The newly reformatted symposium will allow for discussion, learning, and networking, resulting in increased cultural awareness.
Complete Article >Like the Energizer Bunny, NCDA Award Recipients Keep Going and Going!
By Natalie Kauffman
NCDA members are celebrated through the many awards that are given each year at the annual global conference. As nominations are now open, the Awards Committee is showcasing two previous award winners to inspire all members.
Complete Article >58th Annual Poetry and Art Contest: Art of the Mind: The Connection Between Wellness and Career Success
By Kymmie Cartledge
NCDA encourages the use of artistic expression to reflect on a personal journey, career goals, and aspirations while promoting well-being, self-awareness, and resilience. Through the celebration of National Career Development Month, the annual Poetry & Art Contest is one tradition that affirms the connection between wellness and career success.
Complete Article >Keys to Cost-Effective Professional Development
By Melissa Venable & Melanie Reinersman
NCDA, a leading source of professional development, offers a wide range of continuing education credits via both traditional and new formats, for anyone who might be wanting professional development for their own benefit or needing to earn continuing education to fulfill a requirement. Recognizing budget limitations, NCDA offers options that are cost-effective - use these keys!
Complete Article >NCDA’s International Growth in Training and Credentialing
By Deneen Pennington, NCDA Executive Director
NCDA’s mission of Empowering Careers and Inspiring Lives is spreading far and wide as global outreach is extending beyond our national borders. The training and credentialing that NCDA provides worldwide is backed by over 100 years of development and supported by members and leaders.
Complete Article >Congratulations to the Winners of the 57th Annual Poetry & Art Contest
Thanks to everyone for celebrating National Career Development Month! View the winning poems and art work here. Be inspired today!
Complete Article >Developing Leaders While Fostering Belonging
By Azra Karajic Siwiec and other NCDA Members
Since the start of the pandemic in 2020, we have been called to remember Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. We quickly recognized that our safety was threatened and the pandemic offered opportunities to work remotely. These diverse work options diffused the belonging and connection we felt to our organizations, including our professional association. While we are not so worried about our survival in 2023, the aspect of belonging, meaning and leadership is still important for NCDA and state CDAs to consider.
Complete Article >Introducing NCDA’s New Learning Platform: The Hub
By Melissa Venable
The options for professional development in our field continue to grow. Online training modules offer professionals the convenience of on-demand, self-paced learning on select topics. NCDA is proud to now offer this option as a continuation of its mission.
Complete Article >2023 NCDA Global Career Development Conference
By Mary Ann Powell, NCDA Conference Director
Where can you gain professional development, meet old and new friends, honor exceptional work, learn about new tools, and have fun? At the NCDA annual conference! Plan now to be in Chicago June 28-July 1st for an exciting event that promises diversity, development, dancing and more!
Complete Article >Celebrating 20 Years: Career Convergence Recognizes its Founders, Editors and Contributors
By Melanie Reinersman, Career Convergence Editor
Career development professionals know the value of continuing education, adding to their toolbox, connecting with others, and being efficient with their time in order to best serve clients. NCDA understood these needs 20 years ago when it created this web magazine. The articles, authors, and editorial team deserve recognition for achieving these objectives. It is time to celebrate!
Complete Article >Career Convergence Top 20 Over 20 Years!
Counting down the top 20 highest hit articles published in Career Convergence over the past 20 years!
Complete Article >Honoring Pathways to Success
By Andra D’Amico
Looking for a way to create momentum for success in our field? Get inspired by hearing from an NCDA award winner, then nominate yourself or another member for a 2023 NCDA Award.
Complete Article >57th Annual Poetry and Art Contest: Career Development Around the World
By Kymmie Cartledge
Do you and your clients/students know how to make connections and increase access to impact the global labor market? One way to encourage understanding in our global world is through the annual NCDA Poetry and Art Contest. Celebrating November as National Career Development Month while promoting career-related activities is both inspiring and empowering around the world!
Complete Article >Got Leadership Potential? Time to Advance It!
By Mason Murphy
The Leadership Academy was created in 2006 with the goal of identifying and nurturing future generations of NCDA leaders. Every two years, approximately six to eight NCDA members will be selected to join this hands-on, highly experiential leadership development opportunity designed specifically for promising national and state career development association leaders.
Complete Article >Professional Development Your Time, Your Way
NCDA continues to be a leading source of professional development. After the first ever hybrid Global Career Development Conference, NCDA can proudly share its accomplishments in providing professional development in various formats, including video, print and new podcasts! Read about options for continuing education and a celebration of awarded members!
Complete Article >The Value of Membership in and Commitment to a Professional Organization
By Willa A. Smith
Why do you belong to professional organizations? Why should you commit to NCDA? What benefits do you receive as a member of organizations and how do you know your membership dues are a good investment? Career services professionals speak out about membership, commitment, and outreach – communicating agreement about the positive side of membership.
Complete Article >The Value of Continuing Education in Maintaining Competency as a Career Development Professional
By James Westhoff
Competency is the foundation of certifications and people who have achieved professional credentials must maintain or increase their competency. Pursuing continuing education opportunities is an important activity connected to competency. This article will discuss what constitutes acceptable continuing education, options for providers, the best way to track hours and how the audit process works for those who hold an NCDA credential or are considering pursuing one.
Complete Article >The Impact of CDAs
By Safiya Edwards
How do volunteer engagement, strategic membership, pivotal programming, technology tools, and an active communication team support an organization's goals? One award-winning state career development association shares its best practices in the hopes that other CDAs may also magnify their value as a “branch” on the NCDA “tree”.
Complete Article >The Power of Integration and Collaboration in Providing Career Training to an Organization
By Mark Danaher and Constance J. Pritchard
In bringing together different professionals and agencies to be trained in career competencies together, the power of collaboration is evident as they learn together. This partnership allows each professional the opportunity to interact and learn how they can support one another and ultimately help their clients find success.
Complete Article >International Student Services Committee: A Multi-faceted Approach to Supporting International Students through Community and Advocacy
By Arame Mbodj, Ivette Mekdessi, Kelly Woods, Xinrui (Rose) Xu
The NCDA International Student Services Committee (ISSC) supports career practitioners in working with international students through research, programming and resources in meaningful ways. Connect the ISSC to learn more and to contribute to the advocacy and support of the international student community.
Complete Article >Annual NCDA Report
By Deneen Pennington
The annual membership meeting was held virtually on June 29, 2021. In addition to the positive state of the association, other activities reveal NCDA's perennial effort to provide professional development, publications, standards, and advocacy to practitioners and educators who inspire and empower individuals to achieve their career and life goals.
Complete Article >Congratulations to the Winners of the 55th Annual Poetry & Art Contest
Thanks to everyone for celebrating National Career Development Month! View the winning poems and art work to be inspired today!
Complete Article >Congressmen and NCDA Discuss Need to Invest in Career Development
By Deneen Pennington, NCDA Executive Director
Representatives Langevin and Thompson joined the NCDA Virtual Press Briefing and shared their legislative actions based on the belief that “investing in our career development profession has tremendous return on investment.” Read the summary here.
Complete Article >Advocating for International Student Wellbeing and Career Development in the Pandemic
By Arame Mbodj, Elif Balin, Ellen Zold Goldman, and Un Yeong Park
International students remain cautiously hopeful, even while feeling stressed by the numerous impacts to their academic plans. As career development professionals, we need to increase our understanding of diversity and vulnerability among international students while also advocating for more adequate protections.
Complete Article >Our Human Right to Work: The American Counseling Association's Advocacy Campaign
By Mark Scholl, Judy Daniels, Justina Wong, and Claire Openshaw
NCDA’s commitment to addressing barriers that potentially impede clients’ rights fits well with the American Counseling Association's (ACA) long history of addressing issues of injustice. The ACA Human Rights Committee aims to increase awareness and develop an advocacy statement outlining the importance of employment as a basic human right.
Complete Article >Promoting Career Development in National Career Development Month
By Morgan Ray and Tovon Hamilton
“My Future Career - Imagine the Possibilities” is the theme of the 55th Annual NCDA Poetry and Art Contest. Now more than ever, the world is experiencing a kaleidoscope of change. Celebrations and creative outlets can aid in the release of stress from daily life.
Complete Article >The Vitality of Involvement in NCDA
By Seth Hayden
Professional associations provide a means of professional growth and a venue for connecting with colleagues in the field. Within this network of like-minded professionals, opportunity for engagement, involvement, and support occurs in formal and informal ways. The vitality of an association is dependent on the active participation of members in the functioning of the association.
Complete Article >Strategic Planning Process Results in Three Main NCDA Priorities
By Deneen Pennington and Kathy Evans
NCDA's priorities as an association are guided by mission and vision statements as well as core values. The Board of Directors is tasked with setting policy, giving direction to the association and carrying out the policies. Three new priorities for the next four years have been set by the Board, following a recent strategic planning process.
Complete Article >Recognizing Professional Development, Publications, and Advocacy
In 2020, NCDA celebrated award winners, produced webinars, published a new book that covers theory, research and practice and created a social justice resource list. These efforts continue to reveal and support the NCDA mission and inspire and empower individuals to achieve their life goals.
Complete Article >How are NCDA Members Responding to the Rapid Changes in the Work World?
By Melanie Reinersman
The COVID-19 outbreak has caused an infinite number of changes in the lives of workers around the world. Likewise, career development practitioners and educators also must face changes. While the daily disruptions are evident already, long term effects are yet to be seen. Here are the stories of several NCDA members who share their experiences, wisdom, and concerns with the goal of keeping us all feeling connected in a disconnected world.
Complete Article >Dear NCDA Community
A Message from NCDA Headquarters
NCDA is taking steps to ensure safety, information, and care are the center of our work and yours. View our message of concern and examples of resources (including specific Career Convergence articles) available during the COVID-19 world crisis.
Complete Article >Continued Growth for the NCDA Credentialing Commission, 2017-2020
By John Long
The certifications offered through the NCDA Credentialing Commission mark an evolution for NCDA from 2017 to 2020, specifically a commitment to provide professionals with true competency based credentials.
Complete Article >Inspiring Innovation, Increasing Diversity, and Promoting Social Justice in Career Practice
By Mary Ann Powell, NCDA Conference Director
For the purpose of gaining professional knowledge and networking, over 1000 people in the field of career development will gather to be inspired to increase diversity and social justice. You too can gain energy while advancing not only your career but your clients' as well.
Complete Article >On Your MARK, Get READY, Get SET for NCDA’s 2020 Awards! Celebrating our Members Crowning Achievements!
By Andra D’Amico and the Awards Committee
Pro tips from the Awards Committee will aid NCDA members in actively identifying and celebrating members who made a difference.
Complete Article >November is Career Development Month: What to Do and Why November?
By Amy Policastro Schroeder
Participants in the celebration of National Career Development Month share their activities and enthusiasm for this annual event. The only question is why not celebrate all year long?
Complete Article >Timing Your Professional Development
By Melanie Reinersman and Ali Breen
Our NCDA webinars and one-day programs make it easy for you to take time for professional development. Increase your knowledge and effectiveness in your work, and feel confident that our offerings count towards continuing education required for certification.
Complete Article >The Establishment of the New England Consortium of State CDAs
By Edward Anthony Colozzi
Six NCDA New England State Divisions serve a huge, diverse New England population. The creation of the New England Consortium (NEC), was guided by NEC Mission and Vision Statements which provide a common focus to collaborate with others, to do the important work we love, providing for all our stakeholders, and to do it more effectively. Additionally, the NEC Position Paper outlines benefits, challenges and suggestions for effectively implementing an NCDA consortium.
Complete Article >An Inside Look into the New “A Comprehensive Guide to Career Assessment”
By Emily Bullock-Yowell
This article will provide the exciting updates on this totally revamped 7th edition of our favorite career assessment guide, previously titled "A Counselor's Guide to Career Assessments". An interview with the editors reveals the 21st Century enhancements, a new vision for the publication, and an overview of what the online companion will offer.
Complete Article >Testimonials for A Comprehensive Guide to Career Assessment, 7th Edition (Stoltz and Barclay, 2019)
Complete Article >Complete College America Releases New Report Linking Career Choice, Guided Pathways and Early Momentum in Higher Education
By Paul Timmins and Kate Vaulter
This new report provides guidance and best practices for creating a "Purpose First" student experience at colleges and universities. NCDA has been partnering with Complete College America on its “Purpose First” project. The press release and link to the report are included in this article.
Complete Article >Eight NCDA Values: Linking the Past, Present, and Future
By Hyung Joon Yoon
Using a positivity approach and employing Appreciative Inquiry, NCDA is working to prioritize its values and envision a possible future state where each of its values is evident.
Complete Article >NCDA Awards Celebrate the Achievements of its Members: A Call for Nominations 2019
By Sheri Young
Each year NCDA recognizes the vast experiences, credentials, advocacy-efforts and knowledge of its members. The annual Awards process begins with YOU by nominating yourself or your center/organization or another NCDA member that you would like to celebrate. Learn more about how to submit a nomination for 2019.
Complete Article >NCDA Announces New Organizational Membership
By Deneen Pennington, Executive Director
As NCDA enters a new fiscal year, several membership and program changes are being implemented. In light of the growth as a professional association, the NCDA Board of Trustees aims to keep the mission in mind as well as excellent member benefits and services.
Complete Article >NCDA’s New Training Program and Participation in the National Coalition for Career Development
By Deneen Pennington and Cynthia Marco Scanlon
NCDA's new School Career Development Advisor Training has been developed and adopted as the official national training program for those serving the career development needs of students in middle and high schools. This is the result of the request from the National Coalition for Career Development. A one-day Summit is being held to insure others will have the opportunity to share their ideas for the call to action. The summit needs volunteer facilitators and offers continuing education units.
Complete Article >Identifying Quality Career Publications
By Natalie Scrimsher and Melanie Reinersman
NCDA offers carefully selected products that are of value to career development professionals. Nine monographs, five books, a set of eight booklets in a bundled series, plus other media provide a wide selection from which to choose. Monthly sales and secure online shopping in the Career Resource Store mean its always easy to identify and purchase new career resources!
Complete Article >Top Four Reasons for Connecting with Conference Exhibitors
By Willa Smith
There are many reasons for making a connection with exhibitors when you attend conferences. This article provides four valuable ones from career services professionals like you, including the editors of Career Convergence and some past presidents of the California Career Development Association (CCDA). They are all great reasons to visit the Exhibitors Hall and get the biggest bang for your conference buck!
Complete Article >Choosing a Credential – Factors, Roles and Answers
By Cynthia Marco Scanlon and John E. Long
Are you ready to make the commitment to demonstrate your competency and earn a new certification? Do you have questions about which credential to choose or how to apply? The NCDA Credentialing Commission offers answers to help you reflect, learn, and act on your goal.
Complete Article >Leading the Way by Integrating Theory, Research, and Practice
By Paul Timmins and Mary Ann Powell
Please join NCDA with more than a thousand career development contemporaries in Phoenix, Arizona, June 21-23, for the 2018 Global Career Development Conference. Early Bird Registration ends Feb 5th.
Complete Article >New Board and New Fiscal Year
By Paul Timmins, NCDA President and Deneen Pennington, Executive Director
Immediately after welcoming new members to the NCDA Board on October 1, a planning meeting will be held to work on the future goals for the association. Members are encouraged to view documents on the website and meet Board members at the annual conference and up-coming Career Practitioner Institute.
Complete Article >The Process for Achieving New and Improved Resources for Career Development Practitioners
By Janet Wall and Amanda Sargent
NCDA provides links to Internet Sites for Career Planning. A recent significant update resulted in a newly organized webpage and links. We encourage career development practitioners to link to this webpage and use these sites with clients.
Complete Article >Intersectionality
By Yamonte Cooper
NCDA’s Committee on Diversity Initiatives and Cultural Inclusion created a diversity statement that was approved by the Board in March 2017. The purpose of the statement is to affirm NCDA’s position on diversity and inclusion. Further, it is a proud display of our values and aspirations as an organization while holding us accountable to exemplifying these values.
Complete Article >State Career Development Associations Shine with Help from NCDA!
By Wendy LaBenne
What NCDA resources are available to state CDA leaders? This article will provide an overview of the resources and support NCDA provides as well as whom to contact for state CDA related questions. Learn about the state CDA handbook, toolkit, webinars and much more!
Complete Article >Choosing E-Books or Print – New Options from NCDA
By Natalie Scrimsher and Melanie Reinersman
NCDA launched a new Career Resource Store and now offers e-book versions of its publications in addition to print. The new format gives shoppers more options, while providing the same rich content that our books and monographs have always offered. The new store design makes shopping even easier.
Complete Article >NCDA Members Receive Prestigious Awards
By Holly Klenk
Outstanding, exemplary, diverse, inspiring, empowering... these are just a few of the words that describe NCDA members. Now is the time to submit a nomination for any of the NCDA Awards that recognize the impact of our members.
Complete Article >NCDA Welcomes New Board Members
By Deneen Pennington, NCDA Executive Director
October 1st marks the beginning of the NCDA fiscal year. New Board members take office and future plans move forward.
Complete Article >Growing Tomorrow’s Leaders for NCDA: Leadership Academy Celebrates 10 Years
By Maggie McCormick
Ten years is a significant amount of time for a program to grow and mature. Achieving success in those ten years is evident in every area of the association. Obviously it takes a lot of effort to coordinate such a large program. So how can you be a part of the celebration and experience?
Complete Article >NCDA Launches New Credentialing Initiative
By Constance J. Pritchard and Marilyn Maze
At its May 3, 2016 Meeting, the NCDA Board of Directors reviewed and approved the Credentialing Organizing Committee's recommendation for the establishment of the Career Services Credentialing and Accreditation Board (CSCAB) ™. It will offer, initially, five credentials starting October 2017.
Complete Article >A Conversation with Committee Chairs
By Elif Balin
NCDA committees construct the dynamic story of our organization by providing an opportunity to transform the powerful, diverse voices of our members into service, research and policy making.
Complete Article >NCDA Contributes to the Career Literacy of Young Adults
By Cynthia Marco Scanlon and David Reile
“Reviving the American Dream by Using Career Development to Prepare All Young Adults for Career Success” was the theme for the large group that convened in Washington DC in February. NCDA is significantly contributing to this push for career literacy for all US high schools students. While much work remains to be done, here is an initial view of this major effort.
Complete Article >Ethical Foundations and Social Technologies in Career Services
By Julia Panke Makela
The NCDA Ethics Committee has dedicated considerable time and attention to the use of social technologies. Three recently released documents support career professionals in the ethical and practical use of social technologies in career services.
Complete Article >National Career Development Month : Celebrating 50 Years!
By Jessica Wood and Christy Dunston
The National Career Development Month Poetry and Poster Contest is celebrating its 50th year, with a theme of “Fostering Well-Being Through Meaningful Work.” This article provides an overview of theme ideas, resources for the event and encouragement to take part in this important time for reflecting on career development.
Complete Article >Top 10 Suggestions for Ways Graduate Students Can Become Involved in NCDA
By Mary Buzzetta
Are you currently a graduate student member of NCDA? Are you curious to know more about ways to become involved in the organization? If so, this article highlights ten suggestions for enhancing graduate student involvement and continued engagement within NCDA.
Complete Article >The New Face of NCDA
By Melanie Reinersman, NCDA Website Editor
NCDA is proud to announce the debut of the newly updated website, and web magazine, Career Convergence. With ideas collected from members over the past several years, the upgrade provides a better experience for all those NCDA serves in the field of career development. As always, the website is the face and first contact of NCDA, with the aim to remain inspiring and empowering!
Complete Article >NCDA Partners with the Global Pathways Institute
By Lourdes Rivera
Promoting Career Counseling in K-12 Schools is a goal of NCDA and a new partnership arising from the recent conference.
Complete Article >State Divisions Receive Recognition and Support from NCDA
By Alicia Cheek and Ron Cathey
Every year, NCDA recognizes state divisions for their exemplary activities as career development associations. At the 2015 NCDA Global Career Development Conference, two states will receive the award: Colorado and Missouri. All state divisions can receive support from NCDA to achieve state needs and goals.
Complete Article >The Brain Trust – A Valuable NCDA Resource
By E. Niel Carey
NCDA is honored to have available a rich resource of experience, leadership and wisdom. The work of the Brain Trust has contributed greatly to NCDA’s heritage and legacy.
Complete Article >NCDA's Second Century – Our Legacy Continues
By Deneen Pennington, NCDA Executive Director
To commemorate NCDA's 100th Anniversary, NCDA is launching a Second Century initiative. We invite you to play a significant role in expanding NCDA’s leadership development, research, and public education and visibility in the future.
Complete Article >NCDA Celebrates 100th Anniversary
By Melanie Reinersman, Career Convergence Editor
In honor of NCDA's 100th anniversary, Career Convergence is publishing articles of historical significance. This month, our web magazine is reprinting articles from our debut issue in 2003. A description of our celebration is included here.
Complete Article >The Impact of Career Interventions: Preparing our Citizens for 21st Century Jobs
By Susan C. Whiston and David L. Blustein, with the assistance of Scott Solberg and Julia Porter
NCDA and SVP encourage all those working in the field of career development to share this paper widely as we advocate for greater support and use of career interventions.
Complete Article >NCDA Government Relations: A Strong Foundation From Which To Build a Strong Future For Our Profession
By Niel Carey and Thomas Stowell
With a goal of establishing a communication link and ongoing working relationships with NCDA members and with members of Congress, the chairs (former and in-coming) of the Government Relations committee have been highly active.
Complete Article >Developing Diverse Leadership Experiences: An Interview With Michelle Beese
By Nancy Miller and Michelle Beese
In this article, Michelle Beese shares highlights of her professional experience and invites career professionals to gain leadership training through the National Career Development Association’s Leadership Academy.
Complete Article >Attract and Retain Great CDA Leaders: 4 Strategies for Success
By Lakeisha Mathews
Thinking about leading at the state level or how to attract strong leaders to you state CDA? Learn the benefits of getting involved and four strategies the Maryland Career Development Association uses to attract and retain strong CDA volunteers and leaders.
Complete Article >Ken Hoyt Career Education Practitioner Award
By Roger Lambert and Niel Carey
Details about Dr. Hoyt's inspiring career, the worthy Memorial Fund, and the Career Education Practitioner Award criteria are included.
Complete Article >Leadership Academy V
By Mary Ann Powell
Now starting its fifth year, the NCDA Leadership Academy offers members a unique professional development opportunity.
Complete Article >The Eminent Career Award: A Past Chairman's Perspective
Robert Reardon
Members can gain a better understanding of this most prestigious award and a renewed respect for the process the committee has set.
Complete Article >A Diversity Resource for Career Professionals: The Multicultural Career Resource List
By Debra Behrens
Recognizing the need for readily accessible information, the NCDA Cultural Diversity Committee, has developed a Multicultural Career Resource List for its members!
Complete Article >Statement of Beliefs Announced
100 Year Celebration of Career Guidance and Education Steering Committee
The NCDA Global Conference in Washington DC was the setting for a call to action for continued policy development and advocacy work in Career and Technical Education.
Complete Article >Leadership Development through the Leadership Academy: A Participant's Experience
By Erin E. Jennings
Have you heard about NCDA's opportunity to develop your leadership skills and become more connected to NCDA? In this article, a participant will describe her experience thus far as well as encourage you to apply if you are interested.
Complete Article >Center of Career Development Excellence (CoE) Accreditation Announced at NCDA Conference
by Deneen Pennington
CCE's Center of Career Development Excellence (CoE) accreditation will identify career and workforce development programs that have met specified excellence benchmarks and professional standards. Holding this accreditation will provide a valuable mark of distinction when working with funding sources, as well when marketing to individuals and businesses seeking career and job development services.
Complete Article >High School Student Wins NCDA Logo Contest
By Deneen Pennington
The winning logo design replaces the original logo from the 1950's. Look for it in the upper left corner of each web page, or on the Career Convergence mast head.
Complete Article >Seattle and Beyond: Keynote Interviews with David Blustein and Rosie Phillips Bingham
By Peter Manzi
NCDA's Global Conference in Seattle was proud to present David Blustein, Ph.D., and Rosie Phillips Bingham, Ph.D., as Keynote Speakers. They agreed to answer interview questions from NCDA's Publicity Committee chairman, Peter Manzi, prior to the address to share important ideas and issues facing career development professionals.
Complete Article >Gracias, Merci, Arigato!
How else can a career development association survive and succeed if not for the members who voluntarily and actively pursue profound goals.
Complete Article >Having Your Cake and ~ Cupcakes!
by Ed Colozzi and Melanie Reinersman
What ingredients go into making an incredible organization? How do you mix together the local and national organizations to achieve unparalleled results for all career development professionals?
Complete Article >Career Development Facilitator Work Options
by Sally Gelardin
A frequently asked question by career practitioners is "What work options are open to Career Development Facilitators (CDFs)?" I sent an email to CDF Master Trainers and California CDF Instructors requesting responses to this question. This article contains their responses, plus the feedback that I have received from CDF students, CDF graduates, and the Center for Credentialing and Education (CCE), both in the United States and internationally.
Complete Article >Inaugural Class of the NCDA Leadership Academy Underway
by Darrell Luzzo and Bobbi Carter
Outstanding Students. Competitive and Creative Individuals. Committed Professionals. No, this is not a description of the next 'Apprentice' television show! Here at NCDA, everyone in the Leadership Academy Class of 2006-2007 is a winner!Complete Article >Board Meeting Notes Searchable Online
by Deb Carr
The actions of the NCDA Board of Directors are no secret! Do you know how to access the meeting minutes?
Complete Article >NCDA Researching New Logo and Branding Statement
by Deneen Pennington
What is changing and why? It's time! The NCDA Executive Director has an announcement.
Complete Article >Joint Project for NCDA and IAEVG
by Raoul Van Esbroeck and Mark Pope
Special issues of the CDQ and IAEVG aim to contribute to the development of closer international understanding and contacts based on the success of the International Symposium.
Complete Article >No New News about Career Assessment is Bad News!
by Peter Manzi
With so many different tools and strategies at a counselor's disposal, how does one select and use these tools in helping clients with their career concerns?
Complete Article >One Plus One Can Reach Millions
by Edward Anthony Colozzi. Ed.D.
The initial NCDA & JA partnership focused on support for the NCDA Each One Reach One (EORO) campaign to promote membership recruitment and retention and has developed into an outreach effort to thousands of counselors nationally.
Complete Article >