Mrs Nancy Al Hamad - CEO- Education and Global Career Development Specialist - NC
Dr YASER A. BAKKAR - Career Development Professional
Craig D. Bryant CDFi, SCDAi - Career Development
Mark Danaher - Career Coach
Rebecca M. Dedmond - Professor Emeritus
Dr. Pamela I. Ehlers - Director Emerita, OSU Career Services
Patricia A. Ferguson - Workforce Advisor
Kristen Garceau - Career Development Facilitator Consultant
Amanda A. Gerrie - Consultant and Coach
Sharon L. Givens - Career Counselor
Amber L. Manning-Ouellette - Assistant Professor
Timothy Poynton - Associate Professor
Constance J. Pritchard - Owner
David M. Reile - Career Counselor/Coach
Mrs Franciene Sabens - School Counselor
Amy P. Schroeder - Education Consultant, Career Development and Work-based Lear
Taylor Simmons - Career & Talent Management Consultant
Marie C. Smith - Educator / Career Coach / Trainer
Mrs Sherry Williams - FCD Instructor