Mrs Nancy Al Hamad - CEO- Education and Global Career Development Specialist - NC
DUB United Arab Emirates Web: Email:
Areas of Expertise: Business & Industry, Counselors, Educators, Higher Education, Human Resources, International Students, K-12, Private Practitioners, Workforce Development
As the Founder and CEO of Bridge the Gap, I lead initiatives in youth empowerment, professional training, and personalized career counseling. My credentials as the National Career Development Association (NCDA) Instructor, Global Career Development Facilitator (GCDF), NCDA Certified Career Service Provider (CCSP), and International Certified Career Coach are more than just titles; they are testaments to my unwavering commitment to guide individuals through the challenging maze of career decisions. My goal and mission are to enable the youth to bridge the gap between academic theory and practical application, helping them carve out their unique career pathways, and guiding them in honing the skills and abilities they need to succeed.I am dedicated to equipping professionals with the skills and knowledge they need, guiding and preparing them for the rapidly evolving job market.
Dr YASER A. BAKKAR - Career Development Professional
Saudi Arabia Web: Email: YASERBAKKAR@GMAIL.COM
Dr. Yaser started his career as a psychiatrist, but he discovered that career satisfaction is a major component of mental health and well-being. As a result, he shifted his practice to career development. Over the last 14 years, he has trained more than 400 career counselors and educators, as well as more than 10,000 students and employees in Saudi Arabia and other MENA countries. In addition, he has developed four psychometric assessments to help individuals explore their personalities, interests, competencies, and values. Dr. Yaser has a great interest in developing career guidance content and has published seven books and studies focusing on the career development needs of Saudi Arabia and other Arab countries. He was also fortunate to be supported in building the largest website in the GCC to help high school students choose their career paths, called IKTSHAF. Currently, he works in his own company, CareerExperts Consulting, providing various career services to private companies, educational institutions, and non-profit organizations.
Craig D. Bryant CDFi, SCDAi - Career Development
Mark Danaher - Career Coach
CT Web: Email:
Mark Danaher is a Pioneering Force in School Career Development. With over 30 years of experience as a School Career Development Advisor (SCDA), Mark Danaher has established himself as a leader in the field. As a Master Trainer for the National Career Development Association's (NCDA) SCDA program, Mark has played a crucial role in shaping the curriculum and elevating the standards of career development education. Mark has held various positions throughout his career, including Career &
Rebecca M. Dedmond - Professor Emeritus
TX Web: Email:
Rebecca’s contributions to the career counseling profession launched when she co-founded a Foundation to promote business, education and community partnerships. Under her presidency of the the National Consortium of State Career Guidance Supervisors, the Planning for Life Career Planner was developed in cooperation with the US Army Recruiting Command and USA Newspapers, and disseminated to all 50 states. Working as consultant to the World Bank she established career centres at the three Universities in Ghana, West Africa. For five years she was School to Work Director for the Territory of the Virgin Islands. She has been lead presenter for the annual Freshman Transition Initiative (FTI) model and standards that she founded in 2005 ( recognized Fellow by the NDDA, she also received awards for service and legislation, and NCDA Eminent Career Award, 2023. She trains SCDAs in Ghana, the US, Jamaica, face to face and 804-928-5890
Mary Ellen Earnhardt
MT Email:
Ms. Earnhardt has been a public educator in K-12, a college counselor, taught college classes in career development, the Director of 21st CCLC Educational program for the MT Dept. of ED and the Director of the Career Lab for the state of MT Dept. of Labor. She put together a team which worked with the state Dept of ED & the Dept. of Labor to design a MT's Personalized K-12 Career program. She has been involved with the ACTE programs for the state of MT & assisted with training and work development for the MT Career Coaches. She has had experience with diverse cultures and was instrumental in bringing the F1 in schools’ program to MT. This STEM competition assisted the Harlem students in being the First Native American Team to make it to the World competition. F1 formula is one of the Largest STEM competitions in the world. She brought the NASA program to MT, sending a group of rural students from Hot Springs, MT to Ireland, where they presented their research at the NASA Global Conference. Ms. Earnhardt has been awarded two of the Global awards—"Out Standing Career Practitioner" and the "Ken Hoyt Outstanding Career Educator Award.” She is on the Montana Technology Student Association (TSA) Board and is nationally recognized as a Career Certified Career Services Provider and Certified School Career Development Advisor. Her experience working with workforce development and academic systems brings a unique understanding of how both systems can work together.
Malka P. Edelman
NY Web: Email:
Passionate to help build the professional futures of the next generation of NCDA FCD Instructors and NCDA CCSPs. 35 years in higher education/career services; 12 years of extensive training experience globally: Asia, Africa, Gulf Region, Europe, Central and South America; 23 years of teaching Career Development course in graduate schools to students to preparing to be School Counselors and Mental Health Counselors; 35 years working with students with disabilities.
Dr. Pamela I. Ehlers - Director Emerita, OSU Career Services
Patricia A. Ferguson - Workforce Advisor
SC Email:
Patricia Ferguson, Ph.D. is a soft skills facilitator, Certified Workforce Development Professional, Certified Professional Coach, SCDA Instructor as well as a Career Development Facilitator and Instructor. Patricia has fostered strategic collaborations between education and industry through events such as educator and industry days, student career conferences, and workforce symposiums. Patricia facilitated the redesign of an online career resource with a 9700% increase in user engagement.
Kristen Garceau - Career Development Facilitator Consultant
MI Web: Email:
I have facilitated the Career Development Facilitator training course for the National Career Development Association since 2010. I am also known for practical approaches to career development working with workforce development clients, business partners, educators and K-16 students. I have discovered many ways to help all clients understand the career-development process and the employer’s perspective. My projects have included extensive development of career resources and materials for clients at Capital Area Michigan Works!, and a UAW/General Motors Partnership. Working to understand how to teach the process of self and option awareness linked with decision making and setting goals, I have coordinated career programming with educational organizations including Kalamazoo Regional Educational Service Agency, Genesee Intermediate School District, the Ingham Intermediate School District. I am a Certified Career Services Provider. I have been an instructor at Kalamazoo Valley Community College teaching Career Decisions, First Year Experience and College Success Strategies courses, I hold a Masters Degree in Educational Leadership with a focus on Curriculum and Instruction.
Amanda A. Gerrie - Consultant and Coach
Sharon L. Givens - Career Counselor
SC Email:
Dr. Sharon Givens is a multifaceted professional, serving as a researcher, licensed psychotherapist, career counselor, professional trainer, and academician. She is the CEO and Director of Visions Counseling and Career Center, LLC (VCCC), a leading private practice in Charlotte, NC, and Columbia, SC, that offers career counseling, coaching, mental health counseling, and psychological testing. Additionally, Sharon is the sole proprietor of Training Visions, an international firm specializing in customized training in career development, diversity, and mentoring.
As a Master Trainer with the National Career Development Association, Sharon is renowned for her work on global and domestic projects. She has developed training curricula and facilitated programs for Fortune 500 companies, government agencies, school districts, and higher education institutions in Singapore, West Africa, Saudi Arabia, and across the United States. Sharon has also served on the NCDA Board of Directors, including a term as President from 2021-2022 and the Trustee for Private Practice, Business/Industry & Agencies constituency. She was also the chairperson of the NCDA's Training and Education Council. During her tenure, she contributed significantly to the Facilitating Career Development program and other NCDA initiatives.
Sharon's contribution to the career development field began with the creation of college and career readiness centers in rural public schools. She expanded her work which led to her role as a counselor educator, teaching career development courses to pre-service counselors. Today, she continues to provide career development support to higher education institutions, corporations and individual clients.
Celeste J. Hall
Melyssa Harrison
SC Web: Email:
Empowering and Equipping Successful Professionals | Forerunners of Fast Track Career & Workforce Development Training | Melyssa Harrison is one of two course instructors for Harrison & Associates East offering hands-on real-life applications needed for career success. She is enthusiastic about collaborating with others in their career advancement. Utilizing over 25 years of effective efficient career development experience, our students are fully equipped with the necessary tools to facilitate their customers’ career pathway. She established the only Young Adult Services Career Center in the state, becoming the pilot for successful engaging youth career services. Her team became one of the state’s most productive in increasing job placements and earning credentials within its first year of operation. During her tenure the youth training program met and/or exceeded its annual performance each year. Melyssa also holds the GCDFI and the CWDP credentials. Experience the difference and earn your certifications with real world experiences, techniques, networking, and results proven strategies. Come experience the difference…
Amber L. Manning-Ouellette - Assistant Professor
OK Web: Email:
Amber Manning-Ouellette, Ph.D. is an Assistant Professor of higher education and student affairs at Oklahoma State University. She also holds the Anderson, Farris, and Halligan Endowed Professorship for College Student Development. Dr. Manning-Ouellette has over 15 years of experience in higher education which includes working as a student affairs administrator for over 8 years in functional areas such as first year experience, faculty development, advising, retention programs, and career development. She has taught career decision-making courses, led leadership and career development learning communities, and coordinated career development efforts in advising and undergraduate programs. She is a Certified Career Counselor (CCC), a facilitating career development (FCD) instructor, and FCD master trainer. Dr. Manning-Ouellette does consulting through Dr. AMO Consulting, LLC and A & P Career Consulting.
Timothy Poynton - Associate Professor
MA Web: Email:
Dr. Tim Poynton has more than two decades of experience as a school counselor educator and researcher focused on postsecondary planning with high school students and young adults. He is an approved instructor for the National Career Development Association’s (NCDA) Facilitating Career Development and School Career Development Advisor training programs, is a co-author of the College UnMazed workbook and school-based curriculum and has delivered more than 100 conference presentations and professional development seminars across the United States. His experience in K-12, Higher Education, and as a military veteran make him particularly well-suited to providing training to service providers who work with clients in those settings. He collaborates with TAD Grants to provide SCDA training.
Constance J. Pritchard - Owner
NJ Web: Email:
Dr. Pritchard has worked with healthcare, education, manufacturing, law enforcement, banking, and government, presenting seminars and workshops on coaching, career development, workforce development, and business topics. Dr. Pritchard has delivered career training internationally (Hong Kong, Singapore, Taiwan, Peru, Micro Asia, China, Russia, Uganda, Israel, Egypt, United Arab Emirates, Vietnam, Malaysia, and Japan) and nearly every state in the US. Previously, she directed a university career center. Dr. Pritchard is currently chair of NCDA's Master Trainer Workshop Committee, NCDA's Credentialing Commission and the Commission's International Taskforce. The Credentialing Commission has developed and launched 5 new credentials in 2017. She is Previously, she was the Contributing Editor for NCDA's Career Developments magazine and served for 6 years on NCDA's Facilitating Career Development (CSP) Advisory Council. Recently, she authored the chapter on career assessment in business for the 7th edition of NCDA's Guide to Career Assessment. Dr. Pritchard's NCDA Facilitating Career Development training is focused on each learner and the learner's needs. Her online course includes extra resources for every topic and additional topics for learner use. The site contains 100s of additional resources, and all are available for a client's use, both during and after completing the course. Individuals set their own timeline for completion thus providing flexibility for each learner. Credit cards and checks are accepted for payment. Courses are customized for organizations and learners. Current Leadership Roles Chair, NCDA Credentialing Committee NCDA Master Trainer, Instructor, Fellow Treasurer, Middle Atlantic Career Counseling Association Committee Chair, Asia Pacific Career Development Association.
David M. Reile - Career Counselor/Coach
TN Email:
Mrs Franciene Sabens - School Counselor
Amy P. Schroeder - Education Consultant, Career Development and Work-based Lear
Taylor Simmons - Career & Talent Management Consultant
AL Web: Email:
Taylor Simmons is a Career and Talent Management Consultant with experience in career development, human resources and workforce development. She has experience working with companies and communities interested in developing a diverse, thriving workforce. In addition, she has experience working one-on-one and in groups with individuals in transitions including high school students and their families, graduating college students, and individuals pursuing career changes. Taylor's mission statement centers around her desire to help others. It reads: I will strive daily to present the best version of myself to clients, family, friends and others. I will work to empower others and help them in their journey to lead better lives. Taylor enjoys helping individuals discover their talents, passions and values. By doing this, she helps them grow in careers they love with organizations that are exactly the right fit. Taylor graduated from Athens State University, cum laude, with a bachelor’s degree in business management with a concentration in Human Resources. She is a certified Professional in Human Resources (PHR), a Society of Human Resources Certified Professional (SHRM-CP), a Certified Career Services Provider (CCSP), Global Career Development Facilitator (GCDF) and Instructor and a Certified Professional Resume Writer (CPRW). Taylor serves on various boards in her community. She enjoys being involved in her community and is committed to innovation and positive change.
Marie C. Smith - Educator / Career Coach / Trainer
WI Web: Email: MarieSmith@MarieSmith.ORG
Dr. Marie Smith is a business owner, professional trainer, academic researcher and university instructor. She has extensive experience with career development, instructional technology, professional development and continuing education. She specializes in teaching and mentoring career practitioners, educators and entrepreneurs. She is innovative and resourceful. She will help you enhance your skills so you can support the career development of others.
Mrs Sherry Williams - FCD Instructor
SC Web: Email:
Sherry has provided targeted direct services to students and adults for more than 40 years working in state government, the private sector, K-12 education, and higher education. Jobs within her career have included abuse investigator for vulnerable adults, Director of Social Work and Community Relations for SCDDSN, career counselor for Piedmont Technical College, career specialist for PTC and Lexington School Districts 1 and 2, Coordinator of Career Services for Lexington 1, and an instructor of the CCE GCDF curriculum and the NCDA FCD and SCDA curriculums. She is a subject matter expert of the Education and Economic Development Act of 2005 which propelled career development in the state of South Carolina, placing career specialists in all public middle and high schools. She retired as the Coordinator for Leadership Curriculum and Partnerships for a school district of 33,000 students and supervised the career specialists who ensure all students receive career awareness, exploration, and guidance services and are career and college-ready.